Module Five
The Hidden City

The engine that keeps delivering extraordinary results

  • Effective leaders don’t present information—they share a vision that attracts, inspires, motivates and delivers phenomenal results for those who embrace it. Designing and testing your own paradigm (model) lets you create change for many different people and organisations in various contexts, more easily than ever before. Even better, your audience can now make sense of their current reality, use richer tools to improve their results and are empowered to flexibly choose their own response to ever-changing situations. They now participate in your vision
  • The business case for paradigm development: your most valuable asset
  • Designing diagnostic tools your audience use to self-identify
  • Managing complexity for your audience (and yourself!) via paradigm
  • Creating a paradigm that works in 3D
  • Establishing the underlying archaeometry of your paradigm
  • Polarities, trinaries, opposition, reinforcement
  • Testing, refining and finalising your paradigm