Strategy One:
dress up other people’s stuff
and hope you don’t get caught

Strategy Two:
create your own
intellectual property and strategy

Do you want to be a technician or an originator?
Myers-Briggs, DISC profiling, Covey, Six Sigma, etc. No matter how well trained and effective users are they can only ever be technicians of that model. You might mix in other bits that work and have a few of your own tips and tricks. Go beyond hotchpotch to design, test and present your unique system. Don’t devolve to technician—evolve from expert to originator.
Maximising the impact of your book or course requires a shift in your business model
Integrating products into your core business means much more than having a book launch plan. Most business writers miss out on the real benefits of their book because they don’t adapt their business model. In Author the Future Foundations you can develop your own five-year product plan—creating your framework for future expansion.
Be confident that your book will do the right thing for the right audience
No one needs another five-magical-steps-to-overnight-success book or course. Your audience, however, are desperate for a guide who will help them create powerful transformation. In Author the Future Foundations you create a highly detailed, step-by-step, map of your first book or course based on your audience’s needs. And you’ll gain the skills to create it to your timeline.
When your intellectual property goes deep your audience will go deeper
Your unique system helps your audience understand themselves, their motivation, history, behaviour, much more powerfully. While most experts simply offer acronyms or mnemonics you empower your audience with new filters, new ways of navigating and new tools to make change in the best way for them. And then they’ll want the next level of insight…
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Strategy One: dress up other people’s stuff and hope you don’t get caught Strategy Two: create your own intellectual property and strategy

Do you want to be a technician or an originator?
Myers-Briggs, DISC profiling, Covey, Six Sigma, etc. No matter how well trained and effective users are they can only ever be technicians of that model. You might mix in other bits that work and have a few of your own tips and tricks. Go beyond hotchpotch to design, test and present your unique system. Don’t devolve to technician—evolve from expert to originator.
Maximising the impact of your book or course requires a shift in your business model
Integrating products into your core business means much more than having a book launch plan. Most business writers miss out on the real benefits of their book because they don’t adapt their business model. In Author the Future Foundations you can develop your own five-year product plan—creating your framework for future expansion.
Be confident that your book will do the right thing for the right audience
No one needs another five-magical-steps-to-overnight-success book or course. Your audience, however, are desperate for a guide who will help them create powerful transformation. In Author the Future Foundations you create a highly detailed, step-by-step, map of your first book or course based on your audience’s needs. And you’ll gain the skills to create it to your timeline.
When your intellectual property goes deep your audience will go deeper
Your unique system helps your audience understand themselves, their motivation, history, behaviour, much more powerfully. While most experts simply offer acronyms or mnemonics you empower your audience with new filters, new ways of navigating and new tools to make change in the best way for them. And then they’ll want the next level of insight…
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